Wednesday 28 January 2015

Unit 73 Sounds for Computer Games

5 different pieces of game music

Super Mario bros

This piece is iconic and catchy  and most people would recognizes it.Super Mario Bro's game uses a chime when the player collects a coin. Quickly became iconic and used in other platform games.

The legend of Zelda twilight princes

Beyond: two souls OST

This piece is calm and sad and moves the player.

Shadow of colossus

The creator of this piece wants the player to feel adventurers and excited.

cooking mama

Over the Hedge (Film) uses a firefly which flies around a characters head, and lights up when a character gets an idea, which is a parody of the light-bulb idea, and is accompanied by a "ding" of a triangle. The light bulb has been used numerous times, and has become iconic, and recognisable.

A game maker would use different pieces of music for different types of atmosphere for example the build up to a boss fight or a loading screen.It is useful to use music in game to create different emotions and feels at different points in a game.

Timbre = The character or quality in musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity.
Timbre is the quality of a musical note of sound or tone that distinguishes different types of sound production, such as voices and musical instruments.

Wavelength - Sound wavelength is measured in metres, and is the distance from any point on one wave, to the same point on the next wave.

Amplitude - The amplitude of a wave is the distance from the centre line of a wave, to the top of the crest, or the bottom of the trough. The greater the amplitude, the higher the energy it is carrying.

Frequency - The frequency is how many waves passing a point at a certain time. It is measured every second, in hertz (Hz). One wave every second is 1Hz, and so forth.

Decibel level - The decibel level is how loud a sound is, and is measured in dB. A watch ticking is less than 20dB, and a shotgun blast is over 140dB. Short term exposure at 150dB can cause permanent damage to the human ear.

Psychology of sound

Metaphor = Action/Sound. Visual or auditory representation of a separate action, experience, or idea. A character blows out (action) a candle in a bedroom to show death of a loved one.

Symbol = Object/Sound. Visual or auditory representation of another object. The candle (object) is in the shape of a ballerina to show grace and beauty

3D audio - 3D audio is improved surround sound technology. It features sound that not only plays from in front and behind, but also beside, and even above/below. 3D audio can be used with headphones, which act as surround sound speakers, playing sound in one ear, where the sound is coming from.

Surround Sound - Surround sound has 5 or 7 speakers, set up around the room. This makes the sound come from the speakers behind or in front, depending on what sound is playing, and where the sound is coming from, in relation to the center point (a person, or the middle of the screen etc). This gives an immerse experience from your own home.

Interactive adaptive sound - This is when music or sound effects adapt to the players inputs and game play. For example, the background music changes when the character stops exploring, and starts fighting etc. It also adapts to movement, for example, if you step on concrete to wood etc.

P1 exerciser

You can search the internet for free sample music and sound effects to use in you game, you can contact music producers and pay for there services or create your own music using adobe audition, audacity , sound forge  or other music creation software, you can also record your self's on instruments.

Free music samples and sounds



Super Mario bros

This piece is iconic and catchy  and most people would recognizes it.Super Mario Bro's game uses a chime when the player collects a coin. Quickly became iconic and used in other platform games.

The last of us

The last of us uses calm high pitch and low base to create a dark and depressing atmosphere. During intense and scary parts of the game the music plays to create suspense and a unique feel to certain parts of the game. The title screen, opening of the game and the end credits  of the game feature a slow, string piece of music, which creates a dark mood.

Beyond two souls

Beyond twos souls musics changes from slow, calm and sad to intense, fast and loud. The music changes the atmosphere of different parts of the game. Big dramatic moments that change the plot of the game or uncover secrets, has a slow, calm  tempo and intense action scenes, the music ramps up to a fast pace tempo.

Legal considerations
  Lot of music that has been made by a person or a team are copyrighted and need there permission to use in videos and other games. YouTube has a strike police if a video has music in it that has not 
be allowed by the producers of this music and that video will get a strike and the video will be took down. If a piece of music is used you will need to get the permission of the producer of that piece of music and keep with in the terms of use conditions. 

Codes and regulations
There are rules, codes and regulation you have to consider as you don't want to have to re make your game or go to court over copyright as it can affect the development and you can lose time and money. Health and safety has to be check and insured for any accidents with equipment or workers. Procedures to make sure that none of the pictures or art in your game is copyright and you game will need to be check and given a pegi rating. 

Trade union is Completion insurance that makes sure that when the product is finished it is delivered to the distributor and the payment will be sent from the distributor to the producer and this insurance keeps the independent developers protected.

PEGI or pan European game information is a video game content rating system for consumers. So when they look at getting a game for themselves or their children it helps to show if it’s suited for them or their children to play. This system is used in thirty different countries and is based on a code of conduct. PEGI is a stander set of rules for games developers to follow to make sure there games is suitable for publishing and does not cross any lines. The more offensive material the higher the pegi rating give to that game. 

Public liability is another consideration to make sure while your film or game is in development its doesn't harm the public e.g. A member of the public can sue you if they trip over or get hurt by any of the equipment you are using.  

ASA Advertising standards authority, regulates UK advertising across all media. So if you wanted to create an advert for your game or film, the ASA would check you advert to make sure it is suitable for television or online advertisement. Ofcom oversees all broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries in the UK and is government approved. The purpose Ofcom is to make sure that industry's named above keep to a set of rules to protect the public from harmful and offensive material. 

Ellen Paige was used in beyond two soles as the model for the character Jodie Holmes and in the game, The last of us the character called Ellie had a resemblance to Ellen Paige thought no legal action was taken against naughty dog there have been other cases where celebrities have sued game developer for being in there game without permission. 

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