Wednesday 19 November 2014

Artistic styles
Cell-shading -Cell-shading is used to represent the style of cartoon or comic book and is used in a lot of Japanese's games e.g. Naruto, dragonballz, afro samurai and others. Bright colors and faint outlines to give the look of a hand drawn cartoon effect.   
Photorealism -Photorealism games are games that are made to look as realistic as they can, this type of style is the most demanding as it takes a lot of work, facilitates and time to produce a game of this type. Crisis 3, The C.O.D franchise and battlefield franchise use this visual style and are military type games.
Exaggerated -Exaggerated uses photorealism and exaggerates it or over does it like in takken or dragon ball z where the characters have over sized muscles and big outrageous hair styles.
Abstract -Abstract uses geometric shapes and bright or subtle colours depending on the mood and feeling the game wants the player to feel. Geometry wars uses lots of vibrant neon colours and works at a fast pace.
Military-Military games such as battlefield and call of duty use military theme visuals to give the player the feeling of being in a real battlefield/war zone. Lots of detail go into the weaponry and vehicles to make them look as real as possible, in battle field you can change entire terrines with rockets and other weapons
Plastic-Plastic games such as de blob uses vibrant paint based color's with lots of shading a light effects to make objects and characters look like plastic.
Black and white -Black and white games on uses black and white colors they types of games that uses just black and white are most platform. This is used to give games a horror feel.
Rockstar-Rockstar the game development have there one style of games as they uses the rage engine developed by Rockstar. Rockstar games are violent and gritty. GTA5 and max pain are good examples as they are different genres but look similar because they both use the rage engine.
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language most appealing to learning and recognition. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing, letter-spacing, and adjusting the space within letters pairs. Type design is a closely related craft, sometimes considered part of typography; most typographers do not design typefaces, and some type designers do not consider themselves typographers. In modern times, typography has been put in film, television and online broadcasts to add emotion to communication.
 The various visual elements, known as elements of design, formal elements, or elements of art, are the vocabulary with which the visual artist composes. These elements in the overall design usually relate to each other and to the whole art work.

The elements of design are:
Line — the visual path that enables the eye to move within the piece ,  Shape — areas defined by edges within the piece, whether geometric or organic, Color — hues with their various values and intensities , Texture — surface qualities which translate into tactile illusions,Tone — Shading used to emphasize form, Form — 3-D length, width, or depth, Space — the space taken up by positive or in between negative objects, Depth — perceived distance from the observer, separated in foreground, background, and optionally middle ground
Examples of file extension:
mp3 music files
avi video files
txt text files
doc word document (Microsoft word-open office )
jpeg image/picture files
exe executable (programs)
wav sound files (sound effects)
File compression is a process that reduces file sizes to save hard drive and memory space. Zipped folder is a common way of compressing files and data. The file extensions for zipped is .zip, it is commonly used to upload files online for other people to download because it keeps the file small to make it easy and fast to download. Specific software Is need to open specific file extensions, a .gmk is a file that can be opened in game maker but would be able to open in the same form in a different program.
There are two types of file compression. Lossless file compression is used for image and text files, this is useful to save file space and no data is lost. However when lossy file compression is used, data can be lost. Extraction is used to uncompressed compressed files, this is used to convert the file back to its original size. Using compressed files limits what you can do, so uncompressing  the image to its original size is handy.
Image optimization is when an image is compressed to the most visually acceptable, image for saving memory. The power of two is when the width and height of a image is at the same value.These values are import to make sure when 3D modeling textures fit and render properly. When the size of a texture is stretched to fit a model by the program this is called interpolation.  


Thumbnail sketches are drawing quick, abbreviated drawings. Usually, they are done very rapidly and with no corrections - you can use any medium, though pen or pencil is the most common. Thumbnails sketches are usually very small, often only an inch or two high. The audience is the people we are aiming the game at for example a 2D game like sonic the hedgehog would be aimed and 7+ and then the designers will build the game around the set age of the audience and set the game up so it is staged so a person in that audience can understand it.




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