Monday 29 September 2014


Unit 1
What is pre-production?
Pre-production is the first phase in of a new product and the final phase of the product development process. Pre-production is used for multi media industries e.g. advertisement, radio, television, games development, internet and press. Pre-production is key for planning to make sure everything goes to plan and meet the requirements. 
Pre-production in games development has the same principals and media and film with slight differences e.g. in pre-production the developers will think about what genre they want their game to be and the general plot/feel and look. Games for pcs and consoles are usual funded by publishers. Pre-production or design phase as it is known in game development, is a planning phase of the whole game development project.

They produce clear and easy documents for the design team to understand what the total aim of the development team is and what individual parts each team member will be doing and deadlines that should be meant to show the publishers the progress the team has made. The game will then go into full development if the publishers are happy and the team have enough information and prototypes.

Finance is a big part of pre-production as there is lots of resources that you may need while developing a game/film or other media , equipment needed to develop these can get pricey e.g. pc's, software, green screens, cameras and offices/work space which you would either buy or  rent and maintain. You may need to go to different location that you may be using in your game or the use of other facilities so you will hire transport to get you and your crew to those places.
Personnel need to be taken into account setting budgets to different takes forces or section for your development team. Planning is key to keep to schedules and money stopping you going over on your budgets and spending too much time on one part of the development. It is good to keep to schedules and deadlines especially if being funded by a company or publishers which wants prototypes and presentation.
GTA5 was one of the biggest games released in 2013 by Rockstar north. It was in development for 5 years after the release of GTA4. The total cost for the development of GTA5 was £170 million but made a profit of around 1 billion in the first 3 days of the game being published.
The hobbit an unexpected journey was partly film in New Zealand and they used five helicopters to pick out perfect spots to star in the film. They would have to pay for flights to New Zealand for all the crew and all the equipment. They also had to pay for the helicopter ass well, so even before thy have started filming there already spending lots of money which would have been planned in the pre-production of the film.
 The number of developers included in your project will have to be pay a monthly wage, if your game is in development for 2 years the budget will have to include wages for those two years because if the developers aren't getting paid because of budget errors they aren't going to continue work .This is why planning budgets and having deadlines is essential as company's or publishers which are funding your project don't want to lose money and they want to make a profit. You’re also going to interview people who have applied for the various jobs, look at their experiences and qualification and decide whether they are suitable for the job they are applied for, this is a time consuming part of the pre-production and can cost money to set it all up. 
Producers is the overseer of the development weather it’s a film or game or other types of media their role is to manage the development team, schedules, reports progress and budget. A Designer in game developments role is to design the game play and the structure of the game, there is usually a lead designer who manage other designers.
An artist’s role is to draw and model characters for a game or film there is usually a lead artist in charge of other artist that work on individual parts of the development. 2D artist mainly work on concept are and 3D artist produce models, animation and environments. Programmers in game development produce all the game physics, mechanics, integrates sound speech and sound effects into the specific areas of the game and scripting.  The level design develops the levels mission or challenges for the game using a specified set of programs. Sound engineer develops the sound effects, the specific sounds of objects like a weapon and sound positioning.
A cast for a film is all the actors that will be staring in the film, main characters, back ground characters/filler and characters that only have a small role to play. Script writers for games, films and other media, write the dialog and story of the entire game or film.
Having deadlines is very important when producing a game especially if you are being funded by an outside source. They will want drafts and presentation on your progress and a final dead line, this links in with finance because if a company is funding the development there not just going to give you money and tell you to get on with it. They will want deadlines and finishing dates so they know there money isn't going to be wasted and they know they’re going to make their money back.
So in pre-production it important to work out deadlines to keep to a schedule to save money and to get the game finished. Equipment and facilities you’re hiring may not be available forever. Personnel you’re hiring may have other projects and their own deadlines so there availability is limited.

When producing a game/film you might want a celebrities to star in you game/film or a specialist that will help with the concept art, filming, producing or music. These will have to be scheduled and budgeted to see how much time and availability there is and you will have to account for the time that the specialist or celebrities can work for and how much you have to pay them. The Sims super stars had a number of celebrities stared in this game e.g. Avril Lavigue, Cameron Diaz and a few others. Kat Williams and Ricky Gervais also stared in comedy clubs in GTA 4. 
Codes and regulations
There are rules, codes and regulation you have to consider as you don't want to have to re make your game or go to court over copyright as it can affect the development and you can lose time and money. Health and safety has to be check and insured for any accidents with equipment or workers. Procedures to make sure that none of the pictures or art in your game is copyright and you game will need to be check and given a pegi rating. 
Trade union is Completion insurance that makes sure that when the product is finished it is delivered to the distributor and the payment will be sent from the distributor to the producer and this insurance keeps the independent developers protected.
PEGI or pan European game information is a video game content rating system for consumers. So when they look at getting a game for themselves or their children it helps to show if it’s suited for them or their children to play. This system is used in thirty different countries and is based on a code of conduct. PEGI is a stander set of rules for games developers to follow to make sure there games is suitable for publishing and does not cross any lines. The more offensive material the higher the pegi rating give to that game. 
Public liability is another consideration to make sure while your film or game is in development its doesn't harm the public e.g. A member of the public can sue you if they trip over or get hurt by any of the equipment you are using.  
ASA Advertising standards authority, regulates UK advertising across all media. So if you wanted to create an advert for your game or film, the ASA would check you advert to make sure it is suitable for television or online advertisement. Ofcom oversees all broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries in the UK and is government approved. The purpose Ofcom is to make sure that industry's named above keep to a set of rules to protect the public from harmful and offensive material. 
Ellen Paige was used in beyond two soles as the model for the character Jodie Holmes and in the game, The last of us the character called Ellie had a resemblance to Ellen Paige thought no legal action was taken against naughty dog there have been other cases where celebrities have sued game developer for being in there game without permission.
When developing a film or game, the project may require certain facilities to help with development e.g. cameras, software, green screens and other expensive facilities which will have to be Incorporated into the budget and schedule. You may want certain places incorporated into you game or film, so getting permission from the local council in that area to film or use pictures of buildings in your game. Software like 3d studios max and adobe Photoshop and professional tools that are used in lots of different media types. Photoshop is used to edit pictures to give them certain effects or can be used to make sprites and other art for games, another software used to create 3D characters is blender.






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