Thursday 12 February 2015

Unit 74: Computer game story development

Btech Extended Diploma in Games Development 

Unit 74: Computer Game Story Development 
Wayne Gallear


If I was to make a game based on the event’s the happen in unstoppable, the genre would be an action game, it would be 3rd person and the player would need to switch between the two main characters to complete certain missions. I would use quick time events in intense moments.

What significant differences does a game version of unstoppable have to the film and why?
In a game version of unstoppable they may be other mission to create more content for the game it could also go into detail about all the characters.
Main Characters 

Chris pine plays the character Will Colson who penis after finishing training has started his new job as a train conductor for the Allegheny and West Virginia Railroad (AWVR).

He meets his co-worker Frank Barnes played penis by Denzel Washington who is the train driver.

Sub Characters

Rosario Dawson plays Connie an employee penis for AWVR.

Kevin Dunn plays Galvin is an executive for AWVR.

Ethan Suplee plays Dewy a train driver for AWVR.

T J Miller plays Gilleece an employee for AWVR who works on the train yard.

Lew Temple plays Ned a welder that works for AWVR.

David Warshofsky plays Judd Stewart a veteran train Engineer/Driver for the AWVR.

What are the various emotional themes of all the characters?

Both Will Colson and Frank Barnes have family penis problems, Will was taken to court and received a restraining from his wife and son after he confronted a police officer with a gun about messaging to his wife. Frank Barnes has to daughters that don't really like him he also misses one of his daughter’s birthday at the beginning of the movie.

Galvin is arrogant and doesn't listen to Rosario and here penis idea about derailing the runaway train in the county side to avoid casualty because it would cost the company a lot of money. Dewey feels guilty for leaving the train untended and is responsible for the events of the film.

What is the relationship between the two main characters and does it change and why?

There is conflict between the two main penis characters in the beginning of the film because Frank believes that the company is trying to replace all there old employees with new young workers like Will. Frank gets frustrated when will keeps taking phone calls while working and will accidentally couples 5 extra train carts which causes an argument between them. As the movie progresses both characters revels to each other about their family problems and they have sympathy for each other. During the main action scenes of the movie the two main characters begin to bond and by the end of the movie they are best friends. This happens because both characters have to perform dangerous things and rely on each other to stay alive and stop the train.

What is the plot of the film? /When is the beginning, middle and end.


Will Colson has started his new job with the AWVR, He meets Frank Barnes, his co-worker when he is assigned to his new task. They don’t see eye to eye at the start. The scene changes to Dewy and Gilleece, Dewy is driving a half a mile long train and the tracks need switching instead of slowing down and stopping the train, he puts on the independent brakes, gets out of the train to switch the track. The train jolts and switches to full throttle and begins to speed up. The train passes Dewy and he begins to chase it but isn’t able to climb aboard and stop the train.

Will Colson and Frank Barnes are at their pick up point and Will Colson gets out and begins to hook up the cargo carts but gets distracted by a phone call and hooks up 5 carts too many, he then gets back into the train and they began to set of Frank realise will’s mistake and they get into an argument. Dewy and Gilleece tell their boss, Connie about the runaway train, she tells them to get after the runaway train and stop it.

Connie look’s into what cargo the train was carrying and find out its carrying high flammable and toxic chemicals. Connie contacts the police and gets them to close off all cross sections on the root that the runaway train is going, she suggest to Galvin her boss about derailing the train in the country side to avoid casualties in populated areas but turns that idea down as it would cost the company a lot of money and instead he gets Judd Stewart a veteran train driver to take a train on the track and try to slow down the train by colliding with the front of the runaway train and applying the brakes to slow it down allowing a person to be air drop onto the train and turn the engines off.


Judd Stewarts train ends up getting derailed and explodes by the runaway train. Frank and Will are told to get the track in the next siding but are not able to fit because of the 5 extra cart instead they head for a rip track and few miles ahead as the get close the rip the rip track they see the runaway train heading straight for them and they just make it into the rip track before the runaway train passes them and destroys the end cart on their train.
Frank uncouples the carts and suggest that him and Will go after the runaway train couple onto the back of it and slow it down that way. They end up in an argument so franks decides to go on his own but Will changes his mind and the both chase after the train.

Police evacuate Oslo as the AWRV try to derail the train which doesn’t work because the train is moving too fast. The train is heading for Stanton and the police begin to evacuate Stanton. Eventually Frank and Will catch up to the runaway train and Will gets out of the cab to couple there train to the carts of the runaway train. Gravel begins to pour out one of the carts on the runaway train and Will slips will trying to get the pin to lock there train to the cart and he cuts his after hanging for a few minutes he is able to get back up and lock there train to the cart.
Frank begins to apply the brakes to slow down the train, he gets a suggest from a train inspector to apply brakes then change to full throttle and this works but there train isn’t powerful enough to slow it down enough before Stanton curve a long curve that has a speed limit of 20. The train is eventually able to slow the runaway train down enough for it to stay on the track when going around Stanton curve.


Frank leaves Will to drive the train and slow down the runaway train while he climes the carts and tries to get to the front of the train to switch the engine off. He turns on the emergency brakes and the carts to help slow the train down. Ned is able to catch up with the train Will is in on a stretch of road which is right next to the track. Will jumps from his train onto the back of the pickup truck and he speeds up to the front and Will jumps from the pick to the train and apply the brakes. 

Wednesday 11 February 2015

unit 73 sound for computer games

Research and explain when you would use the following sounds format and why?

An audio file format is a file format that stores digital audio data on a computer system. it can be either uncompressed or compressed to reduce the file size. There are many uncompressed formats and different sound formats such as wav, aiff, au, smp, voc, mp3, ra and vox.

sounds file formats
wav is a standard sound file format used mainly in windows.

mp3 format is the most popular format for downloading and storing music.

aiff the standard format for apple.

au is the standard format used by sun, Unix and java.

uncompressed wav,aiff,au,smp,voc

lossy compression

Lossy Compression is a compression method that encodes and compresses data by losing some of it in the process. This includes losing quality and some data. This can be noticed in audio because it will sound fuzzy and less clear than the original audio file.

Sample Rate is the number of samples per second. Bandwidth is the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies

Mono or monophonic describes a system where all the audio signals are mixed together and routed through a single audio channel. 

stereo sound systems have two independent audio signal channels, and the signals that are reproduced have a specific level and phase relationship to each other so that when played back through a suitable reproduction system, there will be an apparent image of the original sound source.


DSP digital signal procession is the manipulation of information signal to modify or improve it. It is used to turn an analog signal from a phone call in to digital and sent to a satellite and to the to her phone back into a analog signal. 

RAM Random Access memory. RAM is short term storage for recently open programs, tabs and files. If you have limited RAM space the more programs, tabs and files your open and use the slower all your memory will run and the slower the programs will run. This can effect sound files and quality of the sound as it can buffer, skip parts and jumps. 

PCM Pulse-code modulation is a method to used to digitally represent sampled is standard for computers. 

Multi-track recording is a method of sound recording that separates multiple sound sources to create a cohesive hole. This can be used if you have lots of free music samples that you want to put together. 

DAT Digital audio tape is a signal recording and playback hardware. This can be used to listen to old music on tapes for inspiration,  you can also use that type of sound as retro.

Analog is a type of signal.

Software plug-ins are extra content or additions to software for example extra audio tools like a mix deck. This could be use full if the software you are using doesn't have a particular tool that you need, you could add it in.

Software sequencer is a device that allows you to record, playback and edit by handling note and information in different ways E.G. MID or CV/Gate.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Story Telling

Task 1

Top 10 Games
  • Battlefield 4 
  • Foza 5 
  • binding of Issac
  • GTA 5 
  • Robocraft 
  • KSP
  • Space Engineer 
  • Minecraft 
  •  Pokemon. The player has to progress through the world battling, leveling up and catching Pokemon. The main objective is to defeat all gym leaders and then defeat the league.
  • Shadow of colossus. The story of Shadow of the Colossus begins as Wander enters the forbidden land, traveling across the long bridge at its entrance on his horse, Agro. According to Lord Emon later in the game, prior to entering the forbidden land Wander had stolen an ancient sword, which is the only weapon capable of slaying the colossi of the forbidden land.[35] Led to the massive Shrine of Worship at the center of the region, Wander carries with him the body of a maiden named Mono. A moment later, several man-like shadowy creatures appear and prepare to attack Wander before he easily dismisses them with a wave of the ancient sword in his possession. After vanquishing the shadow creatures, the voice of the disembodied entity known as "Dormin" echoes from above, expressing surprise that Wander possesses the weapon. Wander requests that Dormin return Mono's soul to her body, which it states may be possible on the condition that Wander can destroy the sixteen idols lining the temple's hall by using the ancient sword to kill the sixteen colossi located throughout the land. Despite being warned by Dormin that he may have to pay a great price to revive Mono, Wander sets out to search the land for the colossi and destroy them.
Task 2
Games without stories
  • Tetris
Task 3 
A story in a game is progress with the player and can change depending on the choices the player makes, other games may only have one outcome. 
A story in a book or film has only on ending as the consumer can not interact with the book or film to change the outcome.

Task 4 
A liner game is a game that has only one out come and the player.(Point A-B

A no liner game has multiple outcomes.